Well, I made it through Cutie's first day of preschool. She is attending the cutest preschool named Happy Apple, with a name like that who wouldn't like it! She is still a little unsure about this preschool thing. Her idea, and possibly mine, is to never go to school and always stay with mom. In all honesty, I would be fine with that plan. I have already started training her as my real estate apprentice. She has a keen eye for property evaluation and has learned to used the lock box quit well. So if she fails at preschool, she has a job with me! :) I asked her if she had fun, she said no. I asked if she liked going to preschool, she said no. She obviously is picking up on her sister's school negativity. It was only Sweetie's second day of school and she woke up complaining that her throat hurts bad and needed to stay home! Gosh, they must think I'm an incredible mom since they would rather stay home or maybe they just want to watch TV!
All in all, it was a good morning. I went to Paradise Bakery with my Suicide Prevention Specialist friend E and couped each other through the 2 1/2 hours. I'm ALIVE!
Hi Jobey,
It's been since Grace Christian days since we've prob had contact!! Long story short, apparently my brother ran into your dad on the Katrina relief trip a couple yrs ago and said that you go to ccv and your husband is the music leader there. I hope it's ok that I contacted you...I had a lot of fond memories in the time that we were friends as kids. You called me Mary Jo-Jo. It would be fun to get connected again sometime. Take care. sportzmom21@msn.com
Oh she is such a doll! I'd keep her at home with me too :) xoxo
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