Monday, July 28, 2008

Lake Pleasant-Not so pleasant!

We were invited out to the lake with some friends Friday night and we had a blast.  I haven't been to the lake very often so I didn't realize how much fun we could have on the lake!  At first I was a little timid about the girls falling off or something but once we all started swimming around in the lake I realized how much the life jackets kept you afloat!  I did have to keep reminding myself not to think about what I was swimming in, if you think about it, it is pretty gross!  I came home and took a shower and bath to cleanse myself from the fish poop water.  The most amazing part was riding the inner tube with Andy, I haven't screamed and laughed like that in a LONG time!  What a blast!!  Then C and I went and the guys were trying to fling us off the inner tube, like warriors we stayed on! :)  When it was the guys turn, C was driving and flipped her husband off the tube, it was hilarious!  

Towards the north there was a pretty dark storm forming.   K said we better start heading in, but we were having too much fun!  The kids wanted another ride on the tube and we kept playing.  Finally, as the storm got closer we headed in.  As we approached the dock, the wind was really bad.  Now we see almost everyone getting off the lake, so it started getting crowded at the boat ramp and the water was terribly choppy.  I felt like we were in the movie, A Perfect Storm.  I was dropped off at the dock with the 4 kids, at this point I started praying because it was a bit scary!  The kids were a little freaked and we all wanted to get the boat loaded and get out of there.  Obviously, they did but from now on we'll trust K when he says it's time to get off the lake!  Another lesson, Lake Pleasant can be not so pleasant!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cat Abuse

I have to first start by saying that we have the best cat in the entire world! She is fun and active but also docile and sweet. Back in January, we somehow went into Petsmart for a goldfish and came out with a cat named Miley (yes for Miley Cyrus!) The truth is, you never know what you're getting when you adopt a cat from a window at the pet store but we bought a winner! I'll admit, we did have some major problems with Miley (jealousy, hunger issues, disobedience, keeping us up at night meowing) when we purchased a hamster for Sweetie's amazing report card but after they had a cat fight and Hammy ran away with only one eye, we got rid of him! After that, all has been well!

The girls adore Miley. Each morning they wake-up and dash to find her. Poor kitty! She seems to enjoy their pulling, yanking, and touching. She even puts up with combing, dressing and pretending that she is a real baby. Recently, I found Cutie locked in a room (which is Cutie's only way to keep the cat contained, she's a smart kid!) with the cat swinging in a baby swing! I though for sure she would be meowing but she was actually enjoying the ride. I've also seen her in the doll's high chair, being pushed around in the doll's stroller, and held upside down.

The most amazing thing about the cat is that she seems grateful that someone just loves her. So I guess Cat Abuse is better than no abuse!

Cabin Fever

As a kid, one of my favorite things to do during the summer was to go up to the cabin. It was a time to get down and dirty but also get inside and get cleaned up. I loved going down to the pond and fish for crawdads. So, to my delight when we took the quads to the meadow area, we found crawdads in the little stream! My girls freaked out! I had to show them, and my husband, that I did catch these little critters! So when we caught a good sized one, I showed the fam how to pick one up. I think the forest awoke to shrill screaming, it was so fun!

It was an action packed 2 day trip that was filled with many fun memories. We are headed back up in 2 weeks for a few more days. I love getting out of the heat and hopefully we'll get some rain so we can go riding through the muddy puddles!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dance Baby Dance!

So now I'm updating from past fun of this summer.  The girls had been practicing all year in anticipation for their summer dance recital.  Teacher E was incredible and way too patient with all the crazy girls but all of her hard work payed off.  

Sweetie was in the dance, "Cat In The Hat" while lil Cutie was a "Purple People Eater."  They were sink'in CUTE!!!

The best part, as I was looking through the photos from dress rehearsal, I spotted a photo of Sweetie look'in like her momma!  Believe me, ever since that child was born she didn't look a lick like me.  But thanks to graceful aging her face is starting to change and develop like mine plus she does the same sassy facial expressions that I used to do, and still sometimes flash, back in my cheerleading days.  I told Andy and he said, "Praise the Lord!"  That poor child has been told that she looks just like her daddy all her life and to her, looking like a man is not a compliment even if he is handsome!

We Got Caught!!

Andy hasn't been feeling good the last few days, so when he was still asleep this morning at 8am I figured he was down for the 8 count.  I called E and broke the news, play date could be off or relocated.  But to my surprise he arose from the dark and headed into work on the motorcycle, making a loud exit.  I immediately called E and let her know that, "Andy has left the building!"  Play date is back on!

So we were hanging and figured we could use a few more kids so we called another neighbor, C, to come play too.  I thought I was being cleaver by bringing out a couple craft projects to keep the kids busy but they resorted to having a boys vs. girl fight upstairs.  During this commotion, the ladies and I ate our lunch downstairs in peace just hoping that the roof above us wouldn't cave in.  E was a bit concerned!  We then fed the monkeys and then broke out the dessert.  Stuffing our faces with pieces too big for our bellies, our excuse was to help E clean out her dish, we ate dessert in peace as the kids watched Tom and Jerry!  

Then it happened!!  I heard the motorcycle!!  The ladies dashed up, yelled for the kids and they started to make their exit.  Andy came in wondering why everyone was scrambling.  I later explained to him the unpublished rule, "When a husband comes home, your lady guests must immediately leave."  He responded, "What is this Leave It To Beaver?"  So ladies, have no fear we have a new rule, Andy is okay with us having a play date, messing up his house, and enjoying dessert as long as his little wifey is happy.

RULE: Play dates are permitted, if husband comes home unexpectedly, resume play unless he has other ulterior motives for coming home early.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

5 Weeks Till School Starts!!!!!!

Did you answer my poll question?  Honestly, I am really enjoying our summer and my 2 children.   I love for them to be home and not have a major schedule but I love "Back to School" shopping.  Even though Sweetie wears uniforms, there is still accessories to buy to bling up the drab uniform (funky socks, jewelry, hair accessories, bling undershirts, ect.).  Plus, Cutie is starting preschool 2 days a week, so she needs to get geared up too!  To my dismay, I am not finding uniforms anywhere yet so I am stalled.  Instead I went to Michael's and bought a trunk load of crafts to lessen my insanity over the next 5 weeks.  Most days we are busy going here and there but some days seem to drag on and on.  There is nothing worse than a bored child.  So now I am stocked full of kids crafts.  Today we got out the paints and made cards.  I even joined in the fun and started making a card for my hunky husband with water colors using my fingers.  Sweetie said, "Mom, you look like a kid." I'll take that as a compliment, thanks to Arbonne. :)  

We then went to the Home Depot to find some air filters for the A/C.   As we were walking in Sweetie said, "Mom, is this a man store?" I said yes while laughing but inside I was reminding myself to pretend like I know what I am doing.  By the way, I did find the air filters and installed them myself, with Cutie's help.

Then we went to Chili's with my parents.  Life has been really different lately.  My family has been in a whirlwind since my uncle died at the beginning of June.  Everyone has been so busy that we hardly have spent good time together.  So today was nice and much needed.  Tonight we are going over to Andy's Mom's for birthday parties.  He is programming the Wii to include everyone that will be there, it should be fun!    

A recap from Saturday: To be honest, Saturdays stink! (Andy is gone most of the day).  I used to be frustrated because everyone else's husband is home having fun, family time and I am at home alone!  Believe me, I did not plan that in my Barbie's life but reality stinks and we have to just deal with it, right?  But I do love Saturday nights!!  The girls and I  go to church at 4pm to work in the 3's class and then go to the 6:15 service.  This week the girls went to service with me, they love to hear daddy sing.  Cutie said, "Mom, why is daddy up there?  I don't like all those people looking at daddy."  After service we ate at the church and hung out with friends then came home and put the kids down.  Andy and I always debrief about the service, I love to hear about funny behind the scene stories.  He then wanted to watch MAN tv, some shoot 'em up show and I was not in the mood so I went in the guest room to watch House Hunters.  When I came back in our room, he was watching "What Women Want".  I forgot how much I love that movie.  It is the best!  I love that the characters work for a marketing firm.  Andy said, "Honey, you could work for a company like that , you'd be unbelievable!" I love it when my husband gives me compliments that I don't deserve!  I think it was after that comment that we turned the tv off and... that is the end of my blog!  

Friday, July 11, 2008

As a child I loved to play Barbies.  My girlfriend Amber and I would play for hours.  Every day I would create for my Barbies a life that I dreamed of some day living.  I'm not saying I have the perfect life, but I am enjoying every moment. 

It's fun, challenging, and exhausting juggling this crazy thing called life as a wife, mommy, and real estate tycoon and still keep the house clean.  I am a mother of 2 beautiful girly girls and a wife of one hot husband.  We work hard to play hard and love to enjoy life.  I hope to share some of my insanity so that you feel more normal and grateful for you life.  Enjoy!!