Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cat Abuse

I have to first start by saying that we have the best cat in the entire world! She is fun and active but also docile and sweet. Back in January, we somehow went into Petsmart for a goldfish and came out with a cat named Miley (yes for Miley Cyrus!) The truth is, you never know what you're getting when you adopt a cat from a window at the pet store but we bought a winner! I'll admit, we did have some major problems with Miley (jealousy, hunger issues, disobedience, keeping us up at night meowing) when we purchased a hamster for Sweetie's amazing report card but after they had a cat fight and Hammy ran away with only one eye, we got rid of him! After that, all has been well!

The girls adore Miley. Each morning they wake-up and dash to find her. Poor kitty! She seems to enjoy their pulling, yanking, and touching. She even puts up with combing, dressing and pretending that she is a real baby. Recently, I found Cutie locked in a room (which is Cutie's only way to keep the cat contained, she's a smart kid!) with the cat swinging in a baby swing! I though for sure she would be meowing but she was actually enjoying the ride. I've also seen her in the doll's high chair, being pushed around in the doll's stroller, and held upside down.

The most amazing thing about the cat is that she seems grateful that someone just loves her. So I guess Cat Abuse is better than no abuse!

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