Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dance Baby Dance!

So now I'm updating from past fun of this summer.  The girls had been practicing all year in anticipation for their summer dance recital.  Teacher E was incredible and way too patient with all the crazy girls but all of her hard work payed off.  

Sweetie was in the dance, "Cat In The Hat" while lil Cutie was a "Purple People Eater."  They were sink'in CUTE!!!

The best part, as I was looking through the photos from dress rehearsal, I spotted a photo of Sweetie look'in like her momma!  Believe me, ever since that child was born she didn't look a lick like me.  But thanks to graceful aging her face is starting to change and develop like mine plus she does the same sassy facial expressions that I used to do, and still sometimes flash, back in my cheerleading days.  I told Andy and he said, "Praise the Lord!"  That poor child has been told that she looks just like her daddy all her life and to her, looking like a man is not a compliment even if he is handsome!

1 comment:

Christy Haley said...

Here's to great blue dessert and even better friends! Love Ya!!