Friday, July 11, 2008

As a child I loved to play Barbies.  My girlfriend Amber and I would play for hours.  Every day I would create for my Barbies a life that I dreamed of some day living.  I'm not saying I have the perfect life, but I am enjoying every moment. 

It's fun, challenging, and exhausting juggling this crazy thing called life as a wife, mommy, and real estate tycoon and still keep the house clean.  I am a mother of 2 beautiful girly girls and a wife of one hot husband.  We work hard to play hard and love to enjoy life.  I hope to share some of my insanity so that you feel more normal and grateful for you life.  Enjoy!!


Caroline said...

I can't wait to see what Barbie does next. :) Love you.

heather rene said...

Hooray! Now I can sorta keep up with you guys, since we actually see each other about once every three years! (: Welcome to the blog world...I recently started one as well...

Hope you are all well!

Shawn said...

Yeah! Welcome to the blogging world!